Wedding photographer Breda wins Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography Award!

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Award-winning wedding photography by wedding photographer Breda –
Last week, during the Masters Event in Amsterdam, I was told that I had won a Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography Award!   This is something that makes me incredibly proud because in this comeptition – as opposed to others – you are judged by fellow wedding photographers. And not just any fellow wedding photographers, but every round there is a (new) trio of internationally acclaimed and top-level wedding photographers… Woohoo! Real recognition by collegues, thus. On the website of the Masters, it is described as follows: “The Masters is a photo competition for the best Dutch wedding photography. An (changing) international jury presents new awards to the best, most exceptional and innovative wedding photos every three months. Photographers who win an award may call themselves Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography!”
I had the honour of winning a Masters Awards also last year, so I’ve decided to strive to carry on this new tradition! ;-)
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